New Benefit for NJ IDG members!
All New Jersey members of the Independent Drivers Guild are eligible to use our Dental Discount program. Drivers are automatically enrolled when they join Drivers Benefits, and can add their family members to their discount plan. Spouses, domestic partners, and children under 23 are eligible. Click below to enroll your family, or call us at 1-844-335-1264 to find out more!
Find a dentist and make an appointment
The MetrodentDirect network has hundreds of dentists, general practitioners, specialists meeting MetrodentDIRECT credentialing standards. Use any combination of dentists and switch at any time.
No waiting period - start saving today!
Simply download or print out your membership card, bring it to your appointment, and pay the discounted rate at the time of your visit.
Sample of Savings *
Procedure | Typical Charge | You Pay | You Save |
COMPREHENSIVE ORAL EXAMINATION | $120.00 | $30.00 | $90.00 |
X-RAYS-FULL MOUTH | $187.00 | $60.00 | $127.00 |
PROPHYLAXIS | $101.00 | $45.00 | $56.00 |
AMALGAM ONE SURFACE -PERMANENT OR PRIMARY | $200.00 | $55.00 | $145.00 |
RESIN - ONE SURFACE | $236.00 | $60.00 | $176.00 |
CROWN-PORC.FUSED TO BASE METAL | $1,468.00 | $575.00 | $893.00 |
ROOT CANAL THERAPY-MOLAR TOOTH | $1,466.00 | $600.00 | $866.00 |
OSSEOUS SURGERY-PER QUADRANT | $1,501.00 | $525.00 | $976.00 |
COMPLETE UPPER DENTURE | $2,335.00 | $725.00 | $1,610.00 |
REMOVAL-COMPLETE BONY IMPACTED | $679.00 | $275.00 | $404.00 |
* Typical Charge are based on a sampling of dentists' charges. These are only estimates.